Russion translation


This version is primarily dedicated to translating the game into Russian. Now the game supports two languages simultaneously: English and Russian. The translation is not complete, but it is constant. All subsequent versions will include Russian texts without any additional effort.

More about the translation


Voting for the appointment of Evil - Display on the minimap. Now, the player (player character) who has been accused of being Evil is displayed in red on the minimap when scanned by trackers. This is the first real reflection of the results of the Evil appointment vote in gameplay.

Which trackers display the "evil" character? - Survece sweep on Arbitress, Niffy, Swagger, Kyo, and Reverendo. - Radar Sweep on Minerte and global Radar Sweep on Arbitress. - ACAD on Arbitress. - Tracking Device item and Motion Sensor item.

CEO Drone - Transfer items. For the CEO profession, a new ability has been added - "Transfer items". When activated, all items in the drone are transferred to your character's inventory. If the character's inventory slots are not sufficient, only a portion of the items will be transferred. This ability is retained even for a character in Evil form (which is not present in the abilities of other professions).

